Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Drinking, Driving & Daiquiris

I guess when you live in a state where your senator is known as "Diaper Dave", they have to do SOMETHING to numb the masses...

Yes, you are reading that correctly. You can legally buy an alcoholic drink in a drive thru in the state of Louisiana. Cuz nothing goes with gun racks in the rear window like a nice frosty Bahama Mama right? 

There is some confusion over just what constitutes an  "open container" but the general rule seems to be as long as the straw isn't in the cup when they hand it to you in the window and you don't insert it once you get it, you're ok. There is some debate about the whole wrapped/unwrapped straw issue but you can't get a straight answer from anyone in law enforcement.

Which is why when I need my daiquiri fix while driving, I just take the lid off to avoid the headaches.

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